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The supervisory board monitors the board of management
© Marcus Buck / Munich Re

Supervisory Board 2024

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    The Supervisory Board monitors the Board of Management and advises the Board on all matters of importance for the Group. The Supervisory Board approves the Company and Group financial statements.

    Remuneration of the Supervisory Board

    Remuneration system

    The remuneration system for the Supervisory Board was submitted to the Annual General Meeting on
    28 April 2021 for approval under agenda item 7. The Annual General Meeting approved the remuneration system with a large majority of 98.48%.

    The remuneration system complies with the relevant company and supervisory law requirements, in particular the Act Implementing the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive ("ARUG II") and the German Corporate Governance Code.

    Remuneration system (with effect from 1 January 2025)

    The remuneration system for the Supervisory Board was submitted to the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2024 for approval under agenda item 8. The Annual General Meeting approved the remuneration system with a majority of 97.62%.

    The remuneration system complies with the relevant company and supervisory law requirements, in particular the Act Implementing the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive ("ARUG II") and the German Corporate Governance Code.

    Remuneration report

    The remuneration report drawn up by the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2023 in accordance with Section 162 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) was submitted to the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2024 under agenda item 6 for approval. The Annual General Meeting approved the remuneration report with a large majority of 88.54%.