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Facts and Figures
© James Thew / stock.adobe.com

Munich Re Group in facts and figures


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    Our experience, volume and value

    Munich Re Group is one of the world's leading risk managers. Founded in 1880 in Germany, the company is now active on a global scale. Munich Re has held the number 1 spot in the Top 50 of global reinsurance groups since 2010, except for 2017. The Top 50 Global Reinsurance Groups directory is based on research data from the rating agency A.M. Best and measures reinsurers based on reinsurance gross premiums written.
    years’ experience in risk management
    people working for Munich Re Group on
    31 Dec. 2024
    in equity (31 Dec. 2024)

    Our businesses at a glance

    The portfolios of Munich Re Group and its business units comprise reinsurance, primary insurance, related services, and capital market solutions. Backed by a diversified structure and offices across 50+ countries, Munich Re employees take a holistic view while offering specialised expertise to the markets, companies and customers they serve, both locally and globally.

    Our financial key performance figures

    Unique know-how in risk assessment allows Munich Re to cover extraordinary risks, from rocket launches to renewable energies to cyberattacks. At the same, time, its ability to offer financial protection even in the event of exceptionally high losses – from the earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 to the Atlantic hurricane series in 2017 – illustrates the reliability and financial strength of Munich Re. 
    consolidated result as per 31 Dec. 2024
    Dividend proposal per share by the Board of Management
    solvency ratio as per 31 Dec. 2024

    Our ratings

    Munich Re’s excellent ratings reflect the strength of its balance sheet. Strong sustainability ratings, on the other hand, speak for the high standards to which we hold our operations in terms of environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG).

    Facts and Figures

    A.M. Best
    very strong
    very strong
    Standard & Poor’s

    Sustainability ratings

    in industry rating by Sustainanalytics
    Good ESG
    rating by MSCI
    rating by oekom research

    Our people

    It's all about people - Facts & Figures

    People with a wide range of specialised skills, know-how, and expertise are key to the ongoing success of Munich Re Group. They have made Munich Re a successful global player both in traditional as well as innovative fields of risk transfer. As a high-performance organisation, we nurture a culture of personal development, creativity, accountability, and ownership. 

    Employees by business segment (%)


    Status: 31.12.2023
    Total: 42,812 (2022: 41,389)
    Employees by business segment (%) 2023 2022
    Reinsurance 36.9% 36.0%
    ERGO 61.1% 62.0%
    MEAG 1.9% 2.0%

    Munich Re Pension Fund (Münchener Rück Versorgungskasse VVaG)

    The Munich Re Pension Fund was founded in 1923 and is a "small mutual insurance association" which acts in compliance with the provisions of the German Insurance Supervision Act. Its purpose is to provide a company pension to its members on old age, disability and to survivors of the family in case of a member’s death. Since 1 January 2019, Munich Re (funding company) has not submitted any applications for new memberships.

    The following information is only available in German: