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Curriculum vitae

Clarisse Kopff

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    Clarisse Kopff
    Clarisse Kopff
    Member of the Board of Management of Munich Re.

    Clarisse Kopff  was born in 1973 in Neuilly sur Seine, France.

    She holds a Master degree in Management from the ESCP Business School in Paris, a Master in Economics from University Paris  Nanterre, a German Diplom-Kauffrau and a postgraduate degree in Financial Markets from University Paris Dauphine.

    Ms. Kopff began her professional career in 1996 at Lehman Brothers in London, where she worked in the debt origination department. She was then an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Paris before switching to Euler Hermes in 2001, the Credit Insurance arm of Allianz. After holding various positions in Controlling and then – more broadly – as Head of Group Accounting, Controlling, Actuarial Services and Investor Relations Ms. Kopff was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Euler Hermes Group in 2014. In this position, she was responsible for the Group’s entire financial division as well as for investments, mergers and acquisitions, and legal and compliance. She led the buyout of the minority shares by Allianz SE and the delisting of Euler Hermes before being appointed Chief Financial Officer of Allianz France early 2018. In January 2021, she was promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Euler Hermes Group which now operates under the brand name Allianz Trade.

    With effect from 1 December 2022, Ms. Kopff has been appointed a member of Munich Reinsurance Company’s Board of Management, where she is responsible for the Europe and Latin America division.