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Why wait to get real-world experience? Gain insights into the world of reinsurance and explore career options.

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    Internships across the globe

    You want more than just a classroom experience? Interning with us not only provides you with work experience but insight into all areas of reinsurance, both nationally and internationally. You can join us from your very first semester to participate in exciting projects in reinsurance and alongside our mixed teams of experts or in our central divisions. And, if you enjoy the experience – your first internship opens the doors to future assignments at Munich Re.

    Our Summer Leadership Development Programme

    A variety of local internships are available at Munich Re offices across the world, offering work experience and insight into the world of reinsurance.

    One of these local internship schemes is the Summer Leadership Development Programme (SDLP), which invites interns to our Princeton office. SDLP is a project-based internship that prompts participants to contribute to solving a real-world challenge the organisation itself is facing. Unlike university projects or traditional internship schemes, SLDP assigns tasks without specifying how to execute them. Meet Danielle who interned at our Princeton office.

    Danielle Hulen
    © Munich Re
    Munich Re values learning and growing, and that is very important to me. Everyone I interacted with as an intern was so generous with their time and knowledge. They didn’t just answer questions but offered context so I could get the big picture, too.
    Munich Re USA, Princeton
    SDLP Alumna
    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    Interning with Munich Re gave me the opportunity to work not only with people locally but from sites abroad. My colleagues are very open and into knowledge sharing. The most exciting part – I get to participate in projects where I gain even deeper insights.
    Munich Re Germany, Munich
    Student of international Business Management and Intern in Global HR

    Thesis student at Munich Re in Germany

    Would you like to cover a topic directly related to the world of economics while attracting potential employers with your practical knowledge? Join Munich Re as a thesis student. We are the right partner – whether you are working on a bachelor’s, diploma or master’s thesis. We offer expert know-how, tailored support and insights.

    You can apply any time. Placements for thesis students vary in duration depending on your topic and requirements. The average is three to six months. When you send in your application, comprising cover letter, credentials and curriculum vitae, add a brief presentation of your topic and how it relates to our company.

    What are we looking for?
    Ideally, you will have already interned with Munich Re and come across an interesting topic during your stay with us. You can discuss the details of such a thesis topic with your professor, before you approach us. That said, we are, of course, open to any compelling thesis topic relevant to our business. You haven’t come up with an idea of your own yet? Check our online job board – our sites across 30+ countries advertise openings for thesis students.

    Together with Munich Re, a seamless transition from your thesis to the real professional world ist made possible.
    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    Together with Munich Re, a seamless transition from your thesis to the real professional world ist made possible.

    Our summer Internship for students

    During a two-week summer internship with us, you will learn what reinsurers actually do. Afterwards, you will not only have gained your first practical work experience, but also have a clearer idea of your own professional future. Seize your chance - and shape your future with our short summer internship.

    You want to join Munich Re?

    You are an expert, passionate about your field and curious to explore new horizons. As a team player with excellent communication skills you thrive in diverse settings. You are all of this and more?

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