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Train-and-study programme

Our train-and-study programme offers a master’s degree and vocational training in one go for school-leavers ready to build their career both academically and on the job.

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    Combine theory and practice to accelerate your career in the fascinating world of reinsurance

    This programme is designed to give you the best of two worlds condensed in just four and a half years – a master’s degree and vocational training – for a perfect start in the world of insurance. After two and a half years of vocational training, you take exams to acquire the Chamber of Commerce and Industry qualification.  After the qualification, you work while preparing for your bachelor’s and obtain your bachelor’s degree after three years. The programme culminates with a Master of Science degree after just four and a half years.

    During the vocational-training phase – the first two and a half years – we offer frequent training courses. For your vocational and scholastic training units, you join small project groups in private lessons led by specialists. You then spend three days a week at our company and two days at the university.

    After completing your vocational training and bachelor’s degree, you will go on a 6-month assignment abroad to gain valuable international experience.

    Once you have returned from your assignment abroad, you alternate between the company and the university to study for your master’s thesis at several-months intervals. This allows you to work on your degree while you grow into taking on more responsibility and challenging projects on the job.

    Programme highlights in a nutshell

    4 ½
    investment for full vocational training, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree – all while earning your own money
    degree options
    International Business Management at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Nuremberg, or a degree in business mathematics in Actuarial Sciences from the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences or Business Informatics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Nuremberg
    months assignment abroad
    An assignment abroad offers insight into different business cultures and valuable international experience at one of our 50+ sites worldwide
    © Susanne Schramke / Munich Re
    Gaining insight into the central divisions, the internships with sites in the international organisation, such as in Brazil and Italy, as well as collaboration in projects also gave me the opportunity to acquire a thorough understanding of the company. 
    Munich Re Germany, Munich
    Consultant in Learning & Development and Train-and-Study Programme Alumna

    Programme goals in a nutshell

    Das wirst du erreichen

    Bachelor’s and Master’s
    In addition to a nationally recognized professional qualification from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, you will also acquire internationally accepted qualifications with the academic degree "Bachelor of Science" as well as the "Master of Science".
    Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
    The focus of this programme is on the comparative analysis of corporate strategies and business practices in order to understand and analyze the framework of international companies.
    Inter- and cross-disciplinary
    In addition to practical work experience, you will acquire knowledge in the fields of business administration, economics, statistics and quantitative analysis during your studies. This broad knowledge will enable you to take a wide range of parameters into account when solving problems in a global company like Munich Re after graduation.

    Contents and structure of the economics programme 

    The programme consists of compulsory and advanced modules from various disciplines, such as international management, international economics and international politics, which are taught in English. The international focus is also complemented by a mandatory semester abroad, which is integrated into the bachelor's program.

    Competencies (Bachelor)

    Students are thereby enabled to understand and analyze specific issues and problems of globally operating companies and multinational corporations. This also includes the ability to analyze quantitative data using appropriate statistical and econometric methods, as well as advanced knowledge of at least one foreign language other than English.

    Information about the Masters 

    Students develop a comprehensive understanding of the complexities in the international environment and acquire skills to operate successfully in this international setting. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the opportunities for companies to adapt their operations to different laws, business practices and cultures around the world.

    Competencies (Masters) 

    The curriculum of the English- speaking program extends over a  period of four semesters and is made up of 9 core areas that teach the theoretical and practical fundamentals of the work of internationally active companies, an elective area of Area Studies that focuses on geography and language, and the master's thesis.

    Curious about the Economics programme? 

    The Friedrich-Alexander University in Nuremberg is where you will be studying International Business Management.  You can learn more about the study contents and get a first impression of the campus on the homepage of the university.  

    Business mathematicians are actuaries. These scientifically trained, certified experts use mathematical methods – from probability theory and statistics to the mathematics of finance – to analyse issues in the areas of insurance, investment and old-age pensions. They draw up insurance products, estimate risks and calculate premiums.  

    The focus of this programme is on enabling students to meet the practical requirements of the job market in the financial sector and insurance industry. It teaches students to 

    • analyse scientific problems with business processes 
    • develop solutions using mathematical and statistical models 
    • implement practical solutions using information technology. 

    Programme goals in a nutshell 

    Bachelor’s and Master’s
    In addition to a nationally recognized professional qualification from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, you will also acquire internationally accepted qualifications with the academic degree "Bachelor of Science" as well as the "Master of Science".
    Become a qualified actuary
    The programme teaches the skills and knowledge required to pass the German Association of Actuaries (DAV) exam.
    Three qualifications in one
    This programme is tailored to impart the theoretical, practical and applied qualification for three highly sought-after careers – mathematician, actuary and statistician.

    Contents and structure of the business mathematics programme 

    This degree program is designed to qualify you and your fellow students for the practical requirements of a career in the finance and insurance industry. In addition to the professionally qualifying subjects of languages, communication and business games, the following subjects are part of the study program: 

    Mathematical subjects and Information technology  

    Analysis, linear algebra, stochastics and statistics, differential equations, Basics in Information technology, programming, software engineering, databases  


    Management, financial instruments, accounting, value-based and risk-oriented business management 

    Actuarial Science and statistics

    Mathematics of finance, statistical applications, statistics, personal and property indemnity insurance mathematics, modelling

    Curious about the business mathematics programme? 

    Learn about the career benefits and requirements of completing the business mathematics programme at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences

    Programme goals in a nutshell 

    Bachelor’s and Master’s
    In addition to a nationally recognized professional qualification from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, you will also acquire internationally accepted qualifications with the academic degree "Bachelor of Science" as well as the "Master of Science".
    Shaping digitization
    Thanks to the diverse study content of Data & Knowledge, Digital Business & Processes, and Architecture & Development, you will have the ability to directly influence the digital world of the future upon graduation.
    In addition to practical work experience and knowledge of straight business informatics, you will also acquire knowledge in the areas of economics and computer science during your studies. This broad knowledge will enable you to develop IT solutions for company and inter-company tasks after graduation.

    Contents and structure of the business mathematics programme

    The program provides you and your fellow students with a broad basic knowledge of management and computer science and is characterized by a balanced combination of business and technical content. Through the combination of the different subject areas of business informatics, computer science and economics, you will receive a solid knowledge base to later be able to assume a leadership position in business or research. 

    Orientation phase 

    This first orientation phase serves to convey the methodological basics for your studies. This gives you an early impression of the issues and concepts that are relevant for your further studies. 

    Bachelor phase 

    Building on the theoretical foundations, this phase focuses on practice-related courses. Here, the skills needed to secure a professional qualification are taught. 

    Freedom of design 

    You have the possibility to choose from a wide range of methodological basics, especially in the field of Data Science. This allows you to set your own priorities and develop an individual profile. 

    Curious about the business informatics programme? 

    You will study at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Nuremberg. On the homepage of the university you can learn more about the study contents and get a first impression of the campus. 

    What we look for in our students:

    an above-average high school diploma/GPA
    very good German and good English skills
    Ability to work in a team and high level of initiative
    social and intercultural competence

    Are we a match?

    You are an excellent student who is interested in international economy and loves learning. You’re a German native speaker or sufficiently proficient in German to follow courses at the university level taught in German. You are a confident self-starter with a strong team spirit. Ready to stretch your abilities both academically and on the job?