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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
© [M] Munich Re [P1] piranka / Getty Images [P2] Manfred Jarisch

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) foster innovation and resilience and enable us to act braver and better."


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    We believe in the power of being different

    Our understanding of diversity encompasses the full range of individual differences. This includes not only classic aspects such as gender, nationality and cultural background, age, physical and mental disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and religion, but also inherent characteristics such as experience, education, personality or views.

    We foster an inclusive working climate in which the differences and commonalities among our staff are both valued and appreciated.

    We have set ourselves the goal of creating ideal parameters for enhancing the potential of all our staff around the world, for being an attractive employer for all generations of employees.

    We celebrate the diverse voices of our people across the world. We design development programmes, build our teams and cultivate leaders in the spirit of an inclusive culture where every person can grow, feel safe and be the best they can be.

    Diversity fuels innovation. When different perspectives, experiences and ways of thinking come together they spark ideas. This creative force brings forth solutions that drive progress in our industry and help us answer the questions society and the world are facing today and tomorrow.​​​​​​​

    Sarah Boddey
    © Munich Re
    At Munich Re we see DEI as a business imperative which promotes the acceptance and value of differences between our employees. Together, we benefit from those differences in achieving Munich Re’s strategic goals and objectives and serving our clients, investors, communities and stakeholders.
    Sarah Boddey
    Munich Re, London
    Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a business strategy

    Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at Munich Re Group. They are a critical part of our business strategy, woven deeply into the fibre of our culture and business operations. Our employees are our most valuable asset, and their diversity, equity and inclusion is the key to our success as a company. 

    Our understanding of diversity not only includes classic aspects such as gender, religion, age, disability, nationality or cultural differences as well as sexual orientation, but also inherent characteristics such as experience, education, personality or opinions. As a globally operating company, we benefit from these differences when it comes to achieving Munich Re's strategic goals. 

    What we do for an inclusive work atmosphere

    Investment in all employees
    We invest in targeted, needs-oriented further training in all specialist areas.
    Ambition 2025
    We are increasing the proportion of women in all management positions globally and Group-wide to 40 per cent by the end of 2025.
    Promoting diversity
    We pursue a balanced composition of teams and key functions.
    The different ways of thinking, cultures and values of our employees are important success factors for Munich Re.
    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    The different ways of thinking, cultures and values of our employees are important success factors for Munich Re.

    Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Vision Statement

    "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion foster innovation and resilience and enable us to act braver and better."

    Embracing the power of DEI is at the core of who we are.


    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Munich Re is aimed at promoting and embracing diversity in an increasingly complex work environment. In a world of globalisation, social change and markets in flux, a targeted approach within the company is key to success.

    In 2023, we rolled out a new Group-wide governance structure to support diversity, equity and inclusion across Munich Re (including ERGO and MEAG). This consists of the DEI Management Team, the DEI Council, the Strategy Committee and the Board of Management. Together, these represent the voice of management and the voice of the global workforce in developing our DEI strategy, sharing knowledge and best practices, and creating a culture of continuous learning and growth.

    Central to our success is a resolute commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Our employees, clients and communities are an important factor that distinguishes us from the competition, for it is their diversity that helps make us unique. Diversity, equity and inclusion are catalysts for our problem-solving skills. Teams that embrace diverse perspectives become more creative and innovative, offering solutions that reflect a spectrum of viewpoints.

    Our commitment to DEI is about ensuring every employee has an equal chance to thrive and contribute. Our dedication to diversity extends beyond antidiscrimination efforts. It's a strategic approach, rooted in providing equal opportunities and actively promoting a working environment free from exclusion.  

    Equity is the foundation of our principles, actively championing the dignity, rights and unique needs of every individual. 

    Diversity surpasses visible criteria such as age, gender or origin and many others; it encompasses the unseen aspects of abilities, skills, experiences, and personalities.  

    Equity ensures that these qualities are valued, irrespective of identity. Inclusion means individuals being valued for their uniqueness and enables us to be our authentic selves.

    The crucial factor is not the mere presence of diversity but creating awareness of differences and using this actively and purposefully in the Group. By recognizing and understanding differences, we create mutual respect. Inclusion means appreciating the diverse variety within our workforce, celebrating each individual's uniqueness. We will benefit when all staff reach their fullest potential. Equity is the driving force behind this, unlocking the benefits that arise when everyone is given equal opportunities and support to thrive.
    Diversity forms the bedrock of an open corporate culture grounded in a spirit of partnership. Equity and inclusion create a workplace that practices acceptance, humanity, and trust. Inclusion is not a mere buzzword but a transformative process requiring a shift in attitude, encouraging personal development, and embracing the richness of diverse talents. Equity demands flexibility, not just in acknowledging individuality but actively accommodating it. This flexibility extends to considering special local characteristics, creating an inclusive environment that respects and adapts to the diverse backgrounds of our employees. 
    The collaboration of diverse teams promotes Munich Re’s innovative strength.
    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    The collaboration of diverse teams promotes Munich Re’s innovative strength.
    People work for Munich Re Group
    (as of 31 Dec. 2023)
    Our employees come from 131 different nations
    Years our employees work for us on average
    of our employees are employed on a permanent basis
    of our leaders are women
    (as of 31 Dec. 2023)

    Creating equal opportunities

    Munich Re is actively working to increase the number of female managers. As a globally operating company, it is of great importance to us that more talented women take on responsibility in our management teams. Therefore, it was decided to increase the proportion of women in all management positions to 40% globally and Group-wide by the end of 2025 with a new voluntary commitment. In addition, our internal development programmes in reinsurance have a 50% gender goal to support the growing proportion of women in management positions.

    Continuous development is extremely important to us. That is why we invest in targeted and needs oriented learning for all of our employees in all specialist areas. Learn more about our career development opportunities.  

    We take responsibility

    For more than 140 years, Munich Re has created long-term value by assuming a diverse range of risks around the world. We are convinced that this business concept will continue to be successful in the future through sustainable action. Responsible corporate governance that reconciles economic, environmental and social requirements forms the basis to this approach.

    This is Me series

    Our This is Me campaign shares the voices of colleagues living with disabilities. Their honest and inspiring stories help foster awareness, understanding, and inclusion in the workplace.
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    Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards and Recognitions​​​​​​​

    Hui Yun
    © Munich Re
    I challenge bias and divisive ideas. I believe we are all born equal in dignity and rights; with hopes, aspirations and unique talents. Every individual must be given equal opportunities to bring the best version of themselves to the table.
    Hui Yun
    Munich Re Syndicate, Singapore
    CEO and Head of Asia & Middle East

    Apply now!

    You are an expert passionate about your field and curious to explore new horizons. As a team player with excellent communication skills you thrive in diverse settings. You are all of this and more?