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Career development
© [M] Munich Re [P1] Yuichiro Chino / Getty Images [P2] Manfred Jarisch

Career development

Go beyond. Bring your whole self forwards and activate your full potential.

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    Our global team can offer you opportunities and challenges of a lifetime. You'll work in a team environment that is actively committed to accelerating your potential

    Accelerate your career growth

    Knowledge is power. Use it to fuel your career. Our career development  programmes help you grow your skills, gain experience and expand your horizons. Our comprehensive learning solutions cover topics, from digital workplace, to data analytics, to risk management.

    Specialised programmes at Munich Re cultivate graduates, high potentials, and leaders. Induction programmes help experienced professionals transition into the world of (re)insurance. And, our general e-learning programmes are available to all employees wherever they’re based. 

    Additional learning and training opportunities at regional Munich Re offices round out our global career development offerings 

    Continuous Conversations: Our feedback and development culture at Munich Re

    When it comes to performance management, we at Munich Re strive to create open and honest dialogues that are ongoing and meaningful, that provide multi-directional feedback, and which drive collaboration across the globe. Our Continuous Conversations approach has no formal processes or ratings. Instead it relies entirely on our colleagues’ active engagement. We believe Continuous Conversations will help us build on our strengths and will encourage self-responsibility across roles and disciplines. Performance happens every day and the Continuous Conversations is in tune with this reality. For our future-oriented, innovative approach to Continuous Conversations, we received the HR Global Excellence Award 2020 as well as the InnoWard 2021 of the German insurance industry. 

    Continuous learning gives you an edge wherever you stand in your career

    The people who join Munich Re are keenly aware of how the world around us is changing – and how these changes affect endeavours in society and business. It’s their understanding of how the world works that sets us apart from the competition. Because it fuels our exploration of insurability and our drive to create better and innovative risk-related solutions. 

    We have built an environment that thrives on lifelong learning, career ownership and is not limited by borders or cultures. We provide our people with the tools they need to drive their careers. 

    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    For me, working for Munich Re means working in an international environment. I had the opportunity to work and live in India for more than two years. It was a highly rewarding experience. I learnt how to put a plan into action and collaborate with colleagues in a foreign work and cultural environment.
    Munich Re Germany, Munich
    Consultant Reserving

    Learning alongside your career

    Expertise, knowledge and skills of our people are at the heart of Munich Re’s success. We have a multitude of development offerings and courses for employees at all levels, covering a wide range of topics like technical knowledge, soft skills,  new work approaches and leadership. In addition, we offer customized training programmes, where our experts develop training for Munich Re's specific needs using state-of-the-art learning formats. The offers range from classical formats, including seminars, workshops, training and e-learning, to new formats like bar camps and pop-up classrooms.  
    LinkedIn Learning
    Our partnership with LinkedIn Learning helps our employees to adapt to new ways of learning and nurture an aptitude for continuous life-long learning.
    Digital School
    Our Digital School helps our employees to stay ahead as digitalisation continues to transform the workplace.
    Data Analytics Curriculum
    Data plays a key role in our business. Learn to speak data with specialists and add data literacy to your skill set.

    LinkedIn Learning

    Munich Re launched the LinkedIn Learning platform in July 2020 for all employees globally. It is part of the commitment to everybody´s development and a new element of our portfolio of learning resources to support our employees in taking charge of their own career. The site offers a wealth of courses to build our skill-sets of tomorrow. And even better – the partnership with LinkedIn Learning is helping us to change the way we are learning and nurturing our ability for continuous life-long learning.
    Amanda Ahmet
    © Munich Re
    I would absolutely recommend LinkedIn Learning to my colleagues. You can completely tailor your learning, to hone in on the exact skills you want to develop, whether that is technical knowledge or soft skills. Better staff will lead to better results for our business.
    Compliance & Risk Manager
    Munich Re Speciality

    Digital School: Global access to learning opportunities in the area of digitalization 

    Digital technology is transforming the workplace, especially at a company with a business model as driven by data and science as ours. The Digital School, our global digital learning platform, offers all employees worldwide access to a rich selection of learning and development opportunities.  

    The education units in our Digital School teach about working and leading in a digital environment. They familiarise you with digital technologies and data analytics. We encourage all employees to explore e-readings and videos, join classroom learning, and participate in webinars. Formats come in convenient durations, from up to 15 minutes to 4-8 hours. You tailor your investment  to your needs, areas of interest, and schedule. 

    Years of experience in risk management
    We combine the fresh ideas of our employees with the extensive practical knowledge of our company.
    of our employees have regular development conversations
    Are you pursuing big career goals? We support you with this.
    Annual learning costs per employee (in 2023)
    We invest specifically in your knowledge and in your career.

    Apply now!   

    You are an expert, passionate about your field and curious to explore new horizons? As a team player with excellent communication skills you thrive in diverse settings. You are all of this and more? We´re looking forward to meeting you!     

    Data Analytics Curriculum: Lifelong learning keeps all of us ahead of the game

    Leveraging data and algorithms plays – and always has played – a vital role in the business model of Munich Re. Digitalisation gives us ever-richer data sources from an interconnected economy and new ways of leveraging them for analysis. It allows us to take full advantage of data to broaden insurability.  

    As a Munich Re employee, you have full access to the Data Analytics Curriculum to broaden your digital horizon. You tailor the course load to your schedule, development objectives and skill level. Formats range from talks and webinars  to e-learning courses. A selection of qualification units, created in close cooperation with top universities, award you a certification upon successful completion. 

    Basics ★ Advanced ★★ Black Belts ★★★ Experts ★★★★
    Goal Awareness & literacy Understanding & ideation Enable to apply Make shapers
    Target group all all Math & natural science experienced
    Method E-Learning Classroom Classroom Customized
    Volume Two hours Several days Four weeks On-going
    Certified ✓ University-based certificates (Bridge builder)
    Locations Global Global Munich, Princeton, Singapore Global

    Accelerated Development - Boost your leadership skills

    A career does not have to be straightforward – even a step sideways can offer unexpected development opportunities. As a Munich Re employee, you benefit from local and global Accelerated Development programmes and learning at all career levels. This allows you to shape your professional career according to your individual ideas and goals. We are happy to support you. 

    How do you envision your career?

    Do you want to take on more responsibility, acquire additional qualifications, expand your leadership skills? Or instead of responsibility, would you rather deepen your specialist knowledge, build up new expertise or broaden your perspective? At Munich Re, we give you the freedom to decide for yourself how you want to shape your work with us. This is what sets us apart as an employer.  

    Thanks to our high-quality internal Accelerated Development programmes Oxygen, Hydrogen and the Group Management Platform, as well as a lively learning culture, we are able to regularly fill our management and expert positions from within our own ranks. 

    Oxygen is an Accelerated Development option for aspiring leaders who want to become first-level people or thought leaders or who are already people or thought leaders and aspire to reach the next level of leadership impact. The programme lasts between 12 and 24 months and supports participants individually. The development is based on the 70:20:10 model of learning and focuses mainly on building your experience in the workplace. You can expect new professional challenges and tasks (70 percent), learn from more experienced colleagues (20 percent) and participate in traditional training (10 percent). Throughout the programme, a manager and business mentor are there to support you
    Hydrogen is a Munich Re programme that puts high potentials in the driver’s seat of their career. It cultivates individuals with the drive and potential to take their career to the next level and increase their impact on our business. While requiring a high level of participant engagement, it offers customised development and new levels of visibility on a worldwide platform. Most importantly, it puts you in charge.  

    Our Group Management Platform, GMP for short, is home to a vibrant network of 150 executives and top talents from our businesses around the globe. Bridging generations, the GMP connects our leaders of today with leaders of tomorrow. It’s a springboard for networking, learning and growing together as a global management team unified in its diversity. 

    Cooperating with leading business schools, this booster programme for leadership skills comes with comprehensive career coaching – and significant added value. GMP has emerged as a powerful tool for succession planning and staffing positions in senior management and on the Board.  

    The combination of classroom work, real-life leadership challenges, coaching and mentoring is designed to impart leadership skills in a stimulating and supportive environment. GMP participants praise the opportunity to expand their relationships into the group. Meeting colleagues from all over the world gives perspective – it creates awareness and opens new ways of thinking about what’s possible and necessary for Munich Re today and in the future. 

    © Myrzik & Jarisch
    Hydrogen provided me with the platform to get visibility outside my business unit by involving me in strategic projects. All this ultimately brought me to my new role with Great Lakes Insurance SE.
    Great Lakes Insurance SE Germany, Munich
    Head of Underwriting, Product & Actuarial, Hydrogen Alumnus
    The Munich Re Group currently employs (as of December 2023).
    of Munich Re shares are in free float. Among other things, they are part of the DAX.
    13.3 years
    are our employees working at Munich Re on average (as of December 2023).

    Meet the people at Munich Re