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Public-Private Partnership Solutions

Risk management through public-private partnerships

Supporting public entities to strengthen their resilience

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    Climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, cyber risks: Global threats present public entities with growing challenges. To tackle their impact, Munich Re is committed to supporting the public sector with a proactive risk management. Our objective: A close cooperation between the public and the private sector.

    Stefan Schüssele
    "The UN's 2030 Agenda for sustainable development urgently calls for action and solid partnerships. We at Munich Re help bring together all relevant stakeholders: Governments, development banks and leaders of all industries."

    Stefan Schüssele
    Strategy & Partnership

    Risk management solutions for public entities:
    What's in it for you?

    Blended finance
    Innovative structures making use of development finance to mobilise private capital towards sustainable development
    Global Challenges
    Hybrid solutions of insurance and capital markets instruments for new and emerging risks
    Strategic cooperation
    Partnership to bridge the gap between the public and private sector, whereby stakeholders of the industry, governments and development banks are brought together
    Holistic approach
    Support in
    - understanding and preparing for risks
    - mitigating
    - insuring
    - recovering from disasters, and
    - building back better.

    Together, we engage to support the UN resolution aiming to build a better and more sustainable future for all human beings worldwide

    The 2030 Agenda finds its footing on four pillars. These form an interdependent framework which guides global and national development schemes in collaborative partnerships.
    Florian Gruson, Head of Public-Private Partnership Solutions, shares his views on the urgency for cooperation and the role of the insurance industry to best plan resilience and enhance communities' preparedness in the face of critical events.

    Successful collaborations and partnership for increased resilience worldwide

    Latin America and the Caribbean
    North America
    Southeast Asia

    Belize blue bond

    Californian hospitals

    MSME in developing Asia

    World’s first parametric disaster insurance integrated in a sovereign bond issuance
    Non-damage business interruption risk cover
    Innovative risk solutions for the underinsured and underbanked
    Belize blue bond
    © Richinpit / Getty Images
    Californian hospitals
    © Getty Images
    So as to boost the resilience of governments and hence of communities to climate risks, Willis Towers Watson and Munich Re successfully collaborated. The latter provided the risk capacity to support a parametric catastrophe wrapper around Belize’s debt for marine conservation.
    Insuring healthcare providers, at the frontline of the local fight against pandemics, enables them to sustainably offer quality care across demographics. Parametric triggers, indemnity settlement as well as a business continuity plan contribute to the improvement of the overall resilience against pandemics and epidemics. 
    By empowering and partnering with key economic, digital players, Munich Re co-develops and offers embedded financial solutions for Asia’s emerging micro-, small- and medium enterprises (MSME). The protection gap for vulnerable populations and businesses is hence reduced and payouts are ensured in a targeted and swift manner.

    Michael Roth
    Senior Manager Origination
    Capital Partners


    Gunther Kraut
    Global Head of Epidemic Risk Solutions
    Munich Re Markets


    Weihao Choo
    Head of Global Consulting
    Japan, India, Korea and Southeast Asia


    "Partnering with the public sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is our priority. Join us on this journey!"

    Ralf Weiß
    Business Development & Consulting

    Ralf Weiß
    © IDF
    © UNEP

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    Contact our public sector experts
    Florian Gruson
    Florian Gruson
    Global Head of Public-Private Partnership Solutions
    Stefan Schüssele
    Stefan Schüssele
    Strategy & Partnership
    Ralf Weiß
    Ralf Weiß
    Business Development & Consulting