Corporate Governance
Statement on Corporate Governance
Since the 2015 financial year, this statement combines the Statement on Corporate Governance of Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (Munich Reinsurance Company) and the Group Statement on Corporate Governance.
For the 2019 financial year, this statement includes corporate governance reporting within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code.
Combined non-financial (Group) statement
Articles of Association
Co-Determination Agreement
Also applicable to Munich Reinsurance Company is a co-determination agreement concluded pursuant to the German Act on the Co-Determination of Employees in Cross-Border Mergers (MgVG) of 12 December 2008 in the version dated 11/13 July 2023.
The principle of parity co-determination on the Supervisory Board has been upheld in the co-determination agreement, and strengthened by taking into account staff employed in the rest of Europe.