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Corporate Governance  stands for a form of responsible company management.
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Corporate Governance

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    Corporate governance stands for a form of responsible company management and control geared to long-term creation of value. One of our particular aims in this context is to foster the confidence of investors, clients, employees and the general public. Also of great relevance for us are efficient practices on the Board of Management and Supervisory Board, good collaboration between these bodies and with the companies’ staff, and open and transparent corporate communications.

    Statement on Corporate Governance

    Since the 2015 financial year, this statement combines the Statement on Corporate Governance of Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (Munich Reinsurance Company) and the Group Statement on Corporate Governance.

    For the 2019 financial year, this statement includes corporate governance reporting within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code.

    Combined non-financial (Group) statement

    This statement, which is integrated into the Group Annual Report, combines so-called non-financial information. Up to and including the 2019 reporting year, the information was published in a separate combined non-financial report.

    Articles of Association

    The German Stock Companies Act requires joint-stock companies to have Articles of Association. These record such information as the company's name, its registered seat, the amount of its share capital and the number of members of its Board of Management and Supervisory Board. 

    Co-Determination Agreement

    Also applicable to Munich Reinsurance Company is a co-determination agreement concluded pursuant to the German Act on the Co-Determination of Employees in Cross-Border Mergers (MgVG) of 12 December 2008 in the version dated 11/13 July 2023.

    The principle of parity co-determination on the Supervisory Board has been upheld in the co-determination agreement, and strengthened by taking into account staff employed in the rest of Europe.